Come be our guest the next time we meet for Bible classes and worship services!
9:30 AM | Bible Classes |
10:30 AM | Worship Services |
5:00 PM | Worship Services |
7:00 PM | Bible Classes |
where your kids can learn the Bible,
that teaches the truth from God's word,
where joy and forgiveness are real,
with solid Bible answers for troubled times,
that is a family of caring Christians,
Reinforcing Our Children's Knowledge is our goal at the Seminole Pointe church of Christ. Our current monthly class, Rock Class Pebbles, is developed for children 4 years to 6th grade.
This class meets on the 4th Sunday at 3:00 P.M. (CT) at the church building.
The purpose of this class is to help our children learn their basic Bible facts. This learning process will involve singing, crafts/activities, games, and action-based learning/group activities. ALL activities will be Bible based.