Seminole Pointe church of Christ


Auditorium Live Stream Page - This will link to the page where we live stream from the auditorium of the Seminole Pointe church of Christ.
Worship Services
Sunday AM:  10:30 AM
Sunday PM:    5:00 PM
Wednesday PM:  7:50 PM
(Following Bible class)

Room 110 - Adult Class

Second Adult Class Live Stream - This will link to the page to view the second adult Bible Class or Adult Class B.
Sunday AM Class - 9:30 AM
Topic:  Study through Hebrews
Teacher:  Dale Decker


Wednesday PM Class - 7:00 PM
Topic:  Are You Being Faithful to the Lord Until Death?
Teacher:  Arthell Bass, Jr.

Room 111 - Adult Class

Sunday AM Class - 9:30 AM
Topic:  Building Our Spiritual Foundations
Teacher:  John Duvall


Wednesday PM Class - 7:00 PM
Topic:  The Book of Acts
Teacher:  David Hicks